Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Lights!

Yippee! It's getting close to Christmas!!!

We always love this holiday because it brings the opportunity to reunite all our family together! And we can see everyone we maybe didn't get the chance to see during the year, because of work or any other reason!
This year unfortunately, we won't be able to spend this moment with our family because we are in different countries! :-(
Still, we had the opportunity to discover a little about the American Christmas tradition and we think it's great. We really enjoy seeing all those lit up houses in the neighborhood.
Recently, we visited a street called "Candy Light Lane or Candy Cane Lane". All of our friends were telling us that we had to see it, and they were right. Everyone on that street decorates their houses for Christmas each year! We heard that there's kind of a friendly competition between the neighbors for the coolest house! From what we saw, we can confirm to you guys that their efforts payed off... LOL One house was better than the next!
There was one house that was our favorite! You can see a pic here bellow of the winning house in our opinion! :-)

Well, we really wish each one of you reading this post (and also all those that wont read it... LOL) a WONDERFUL Christmas shared with your families, friends and loved ones! And that this New Year of 2009 will be full of joy, peace, achievements, health and everything good that this world can offer to us!
And never forget that the greatest happiness you can have comes from within!
Talk to you all soon!
P.S.: Sorry for the quality of the photos but they were taken by a cellphone.

1 comment:

3TFan2007 said...

I hope you all have a wonderful first Christmas in the United States and that you have a wonderful time with Taj and his family. Lots of Love too the three of you. your friend Rebecca from my mspace pages A True T-Rio Fan and 3T and T-Rio Fan of Washington